iPad or MacBook?

iPad vs Mac (Sidetrack from Stock Ideas)Let’s sidetrack a bit from the blog’s main topic (i.e. stock investment). I’m at my sister’s place and she just bought an iPad. I need a device that I can comfortably update my blog regularly. The desktop PC in my bedroom is shared with my wife and two of my small children. Also, at times, I often feel that I’m pinned to it while I work on it. With a mobile device I would be able to work in my living room whilst watching my small children playing. Even though there is a nanny taking care of them, I feel better if I can observe them myself. So the question now is…

Should I buy an iPad or a MacBook?

Right now I’m testing on how easy it is to type on an iPad. It feels a bit strange having to tap on a hard glass surface. I try typing using 10 fingers, but it doesn’t feel right. The size of the virtual keyboard is smaller than a normal sized keyboard. Its size is similar to a netbook’s keyboard.

Now, I’m typing with two fingers. I can still type comfortably, even though not as fast as if I’m using 10 fingers. It seems cool handling such a gadget. I kinda like it. I now think I can do a lot of writing using this device. I first thought that it wouldn’t feel comfortable typing on an iPad. I compared the task with typing on an iPhone using my thumbs, but I now realize it’s not too bad.

Hey, I just found a cool thing using an iPad. I can enlarge the view pretty quick by touching two fingers on the screen and simultaneously drag them a part. It certainly beats having to look on a menu, clicking on the view button and look for the section to enlarge the view size. There is one downside though. The bottom of the editing area where you’re supposed to see the line where you’re typing, … you can’t really see the line in full. It is partly hidden under the top edge visual key pad. But then, I reduced the size. Again, it was a task quicker and simpler than using a touch pad on a notebook.

Typing on an iPad is easy. You don’t get the speed that you normally experience if you were to use a normal keyboard, but it is still comfortable. Now, I’m thinking of getting an iPad instead of a Mac.

But …. wait a minute … now I’m facing a problem. I can’t scroll the text of the WordPress editor I’m using (i.e. the Safari version, which has more complete features than the iOS version). When I drag on the editing screen, the whole screen is dragged. I cannot get to the part of the text that is off the editing screen. (In fact, write-up and editing after this point has to be done on a PC).

(Later that night…) That was a disappointment. iPad is still a disappointment when it comes to writing a blog on the WordPress on-line editor. For the moment, a notebook is still a better device for the purpose. I think I should definitely be getting a Macbook and leave iPad for the time being until people at Apple improve the interface. Perhaps in the next version that problem will be resolved. iPad is definitely an excellent for reading or surfing the web, but for writing it is still not up to it yet.

About zakton

I love Internet activities: browsing, blogging, commenting, learning from the Internet etc. etc.
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